Have you been relying on tips to cure insomnia that left you even more agitated than before you started counting sheep? Why would you fall asleep to the sight of bleating woolly creatures jumping over a fence anyway? But before you go reaching for that sleeping pill, read on for these proven tips to cure insomnia so you may finally be able to sleep.
Full Consciousness - This is the point where you're fully awake and going about your daily lives. It's at this point that our wakefulness system is at its peak point during the day.
Switch how to sleep to waterat least hours before your bedtime. Sugar and caffeine have a huge impact on our ability to fall asleep. Seemingly more so than those who do not suffer from sleep challenges and disorders. Give your body what it truly needs - hydration with water. This simple act will allow your body to function at a higher if not optimal level, allowing the natural act of drowsiness and sleep to occur.
Set the temperature. If your room is too cold or too warm, you'll have trouble falling asleep. Experiment with the thermostat to find the ideal temperature for your body. If you sleep with someone else, like a spouse, you might want to consider investing in an electric blanket that has adjustable temperatures for each side.
If it's not how to fall asleep fast your mattress that is causing you to lose sleep you might consider springing for new sheets. If you are SERIOUS about your sleep, and want to sleep like a PRO, check out SHEEX performance sheets (www.sheex.com), recommended by the National Sleep Foundation.
Unhealthy habits like drinking, smoking or eating sweets late at night can play a major role in your inability to rest well. This can be easily done by altering your bedroom. You can us eye mask to reduce the light that passes through your eyes. The fast paced lifestyle is very often to blame. Studies have shown that bright light keeps our metabolism working even when at sleep. By simply modifying your bedroom, you can effectively set a regular pattern of sleep.
When you get how to fall asleep into bed think about a happy incident that occurred in your life. Focus on that one incident solely and feel that the incident is recurring. If you cannot think of any such incident, thinking of your favorite place or of a movie story that you enjoy the most, can also do the trick. Replay the story in your head, rather, let the movie unfold on its own. This is an effective way of relaxation for your mind and subsequently falling asleep (It works for me!).
One of the simplest and most effective techniques is meditation music. Sleep comes easily if you listen to soft, soothing music just before going to bed. While listening to this soft music, perform simple breathing exercises to bring your breathing to a stable rhythm. This is great for stress relief and to make you calm and relaxed. That's all you need to fall asleep. A suggestion would be to use a music player with a remote control so that you can turn it off when you're ready to sleep OR use earphones.
People who have never suffered from insomnia, sleeplessness, or sleep deprivation really cannot empathize with those of us who suffer chronically from it. We call ourselves "night owls", light sleepers, parents, students... the list of excuses for our lack of rest can be as endless as our nights.
Fortunately I don't suffer with any type of sleep disorder. However, I'm probably in the minority. Learning how to fall asleep fast will be trial and error for many and I for one wish anyone currently afflicted with a sleep disorder the best of luck. And the ability to achieve better sleep.
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