There are a total of 5 stages of sleep that you go through while asleep. You are not aware of these changes while you're asleep and each stage serves a different function. Also, there are different sensations whilst at different stages, and you can't control which stage occurs at what time. It varies from person to person and might also be affected by the environment.
Keep the environment as dark as possible. While sleeping, the body needs to be in darkness in order to receive the full benefits. You could wear a mask over your eyes to keep the outside light from interrupting your sleep.
When you hear the clock making those annoying tick-tock sounds, you get anxious; and in that agitated condition, it will be all the more difficult for you to get some slumber. So hide the clock. Face it the other way if you must. If it's the kind that ticks and tocks annoyingly, get rid of it. Use a silent one instead, so you won't be tormented every night with the sound of each passing second of precious sleep you lose.
Eating spicy, oily and fatty foods can lead to indigestion and acid reflux. These are some of the how to fall asleep conditions that can lead to sleep anxiety. Avoid these and sleep will follow.
Now that you know the symptoms, don't ignore your body's cry for help. On a concluding note don't ignore these symptoms how to fall asleep fast especially if you are looking forward to a healthy old age. Remember, being healthy is important, just make sure that you eat right, and get some sort of exercise daily, for you to sleep peacefully and well.
If you have, lamps beside your bed then change the light bulbs to 40 watts. You should also put on an eye mask if your environment is too bright, because light tells your brain to stop producing melatonin, therefore making you wake up.
This is an integral step in most of the articles I've stumbled on. Our bodies operate on the circadian rhythm system. It tells us when to shut down and when to restart. It's taught me that I do sleep semi-good, except at the most unsavory of times. The trick is to adjust the rhythm to a time slot more acceptable. You know, like primetime. My schedule to accomplish this is pretty simple.
Often, the quality of our sleeping depends on the kind of sleeper that we are. If we're the type that are easily jostled out of how to sleep our slumber by the tiniest noise we may find it difficult to get adequate rest. But sometimes, it's not even the kind of sleeper that we are that is the problem; it's how the person that we are with sleeps.
Read something spiritual or religious. Reading something spiritual or religious will help your body relax compared to novels that are mystery or suspense that have the opposite effect.
Are you plagued by continuous sleep problems no matter what you try. You could have a sleep disorder. Contact your physician for a sleep expert referral. In Huntsville or Decatur, you can check with the experts at Alabama Sleep Clinic.
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